What to Expect

Claire King

Claire king Counsellor CheltenhamFdA BA MSc (Registered MBACP UKCP)
I work from private counselling rooms (with free parking) in Cheltenham.
I work with individuals, young people 13+ and couples and also offer supervision.

​During our first meeting we will discuss the contract and you can ask any questions you have. I will also ask you about what has brought you to counselling and what you hope to achieve. I will also be interested in hearing about your life at the moment as well as your past. I will not push you to tell me more than you are comfortable to share. We will be beginning to get to know each other and to see what you want to work on. We can work short term on a particular issue or longer term on more deep rooted concerns, whatever feels right to you.

With couples I tend to work in a more solution-focused way.
In the first and subsequent sessions I will ask for your feedback – I won’t always get it right and i aim to create a space for you to be able to say exactly what you think and know that it is ok.

​I am trained in humanistic and psychodynamic therapies and also use aspects of CBT and mindfulness, which can be extremely helpful when dealing with anxiety. I am also a qualified EMDR practitioner.

​I am interested in creative ways of working, including writing, drawing, using images, poetry, stones etc… Some people find these methods helpful when words are difficult or not enough. 

* I have a cat. They are not in the counselling room but if you are allergic  I may not be the counsellor for you.